Yoga Basics with Janet Lam meets from 8-9 a.m. every Monday. Start the week feeling balanced, flexible and strong. This class includes fundamental yoga poses and, although not specifically a beginner’s class, the movement sequence can easily accommodate students new to yoga or returning to a yoga practice.
Tutu’s Quilters meets from 9:30 a.m.-noon Mondays, led by Kathy Lukens. This get-together is for experienced as well as curious beginners to learn and practice quilting Hawaiian style. Initial supplies are provided or participants can bring something they are working on.
Advanced Ukulele is scheduled from 9:30-11 a.m. Tuesdays weekly with Aunty Marjie Spencer. Experienced players of all ages are invited to bring their ukulele and join in a morning of friendship and song.
Tutu’s House Writers’ Support Group meets from 10 a.m.—noon each Tuesday. Interested persons are invited to join new writers to published authors to share many genres: fiction, non-fiction, essays and poetry. Bring a current work to discuss with this interesting group in an encouraging place to explore the writing voice.
Knitting &Knitting Support is from 12:30-3 p.m. Tuesdays weekly, led by Gretchen Geisler — a lifetime knitter. This class is for all skill levels ages 10 to adult. Bring projects, get knitting questions answered and visit with other knitters. Beginners will be guided into a suitable project.
Plant Based Hui &Potluck is happening from 5-6 p.m. this Wednesday, with Vivienne Aronowitz, MPH, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator. Join the group in their intention to create a like-minded healthy eating, plant-based hui and monthly potluck group at Tutu’s House. They exchange recipes, tips and food. Bring a copy of the recipe for your dish and ensure it does not include any ingredients from animals (meat, fish, poultry, eggs or dairy). Potluck dishes must be service-ready, no kitchen utilities available. Bring your own reusable plates, bowls, and utensils.
Two Angry Moms: Fighting for the Health of America’s Children will convene at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, with Adrienne Hew. Are you a parent, grandparent or educator who is horrified by the “food” served in the school cafeteria? You’re not alone! View this inspiring film about a cross-country road trip to visit schools that make the grade by serving farm fresh meals without breaking the budget. Discover why seemingly decent food choices hide mystery ingredients that negatively impact children’s health, behavior and learning. Plus find out how to start the conversation to get real food on the menu at your child’s school.
Myofasial Trigger Point Therapy As a Pain Reliever will be presented from 1-4 p.m. on consecutive days April 22 and 23 with Sharon Sauer, CTMPT, LMT. Sharon has decades of experience relieving pain problems, eliminating muscular imbalances and helping patients regain flexibility and improved overall health. Join these informative and fun classes which will include range of motion and self-care exercises to regain movement and vitality. On Sunday, the focus will be on the source, underlying causes and perpetuating factors surrounding pain. On Monday, the program content will focus on eliminating knee dysfunction and pain.